2011年11月20日 星期日

Music Surveillance: Bootleg Video for Hong Kong Live Indie Music


Our Story

I've started filming Independent Music in Hong Kong since 2009. Now there are more than 3000 Live Independent Music Video is released and published on  my channelhttp://www.youtube.com/shingvictor. It is one of the largest Hong Kong Live Independent Music Video channel in Hong Kong. I film one to two independent music show each week and the channel cover more than 50 musician/group. I also produce short clips volunteer forhttp://www.youtube.com/daydreamnationvid and http://www.youtube.com/startfromzerovid  I started filming by using a pocket size camera (Olympus mju1030SW) to Kodak Zi8 (which is not good at low light environment). As the channel grow, the musician told me that the sound quality and video quality should be improved. So I need fund to improve my production tool.I was planning to buy a Song Nex VG-20, a tripod and storage solution. As it comes to hi-def, it would be nice to have a computer with faster graphic power. Since it takes more than an hour to render a three minutes clip at my current computers. And I am still a University Student at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the ticket to Independent Music Show is quite heavy on my budget. So it would be nice to get some sponsor on the ticket fee through out the year.

The Impact

Using better equipment can produce better sound and video quality for publishing. So that the musician will have a better portfolio since I would give a copy back to the musicians. And the videos can be published on mainstream platform. With the quality I made in the past, it only can publish on my own channel and the quality is not suitable for TV set or Hi-def. And with a computer with faster processing power, I can release the video faster and stay up to date. Now I have more than 50 music events do not edited because of my slow computer. And some of the musicians are urging me to publish their live music video faster but I can't.

What We Need & What You Get

As said on the first part, I need a better camera, tripod, storage solution for the video and sound and a better computer. It would be nice to get some lenses so that the video can be more cinematic. And the money would also use on the ticket fee for Hong Kong Independent Live Music. If you donate an amount of money, I will put your name on the info bar of the video or on the channel page. And if you like some of the Independent musician in Hong Kong, I can buy you a hard copy of their album.

Other Ways You Can Help

Please spread the word and share the link to others for supporting Hong Kong Independent Music. Don't forget to visit my channel http://www.youtube.com/shingvictor to listen to the music and share with others

5 則留言:

  1. List of Donation other from this site

    Sheep and Dada Baba - $200

  2. Chris B (undergroundhk.com) - $508

  3. Ticket fee from Song for children

  4. Thomas Li US10
    Han Yan Yuen US100
    Tze Bun Ng US10
    Yan Poon US100
    Kris Yeung US20
    Tony Sheng US300
    Sheep and Dada Baba HK200
    Chris B (Undergroundhk.com) HK508
    Timothy Kwok US50
    Kimi (Hidden Agenda) HK100
    Davy HK100
    Kiki HK50
    Jing Wong HK200
    Vincent Wai Yin Wong (Sno Blind) US100
